Vitamin B5/Pantothenic Acid is another essential water-soluble vitamin used to convert carbohydrates, fat and protein into energy. B5 is also important for a healthy digestion, blood cell production as well as the health of skin, hair and eyes. Just like other water-soluble vitamins, Vitamin B5 is not stored in the body for later use therefore, daily consumption is needed to maintain adequate amounts in the body.

Recommendations for Vitamin B5 consumption are listed as Adequate Intake (AI) instead of the more commonly recognized Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA). This change is due to insufficient evidence for an RDA value. Adequate Intake (AI) for Vitamin B5 is 5mg daily for adult men and women which is the amount to ensure nutritional adequacy.

Deficiency is rare as most people are able to obtain from their diet as well as their colon bacteria. The amount of vitamin B5 that is produced by colon bacteria is not enough to obtain the adequate intake level, therefore diet is very important.

Symptoms of Vitamin B5 deficiency include:
- Burning, tingling, cold, stabbing or abnormal sensations in feet
- Headache
- Fatigue
- Irritability
- Abnormal sleep
- Muscle cramping

Dietary Sources of Vitamin B5 include:
- Egg yolk
- Liver
- Kidney
- Tuna
- Chicken
- Fish and Shellfish
- Pork
- Broccoli
- Sweet Potatoes
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Cabbage
- Avocado
- Shiitake Mushrooms
- Tomato puree
- Acorn Squash
- Carrots
- Bananas
- Raspberries
- Pomegranates
- Cheese
- Greek yogurt
- Milk
- Feta Cheese
- Whole Grains
- Lentils
- Split Peas
- Peanuts
- Sunflower Seeds

As you can see from the list above, there are numerous options to help you start getting your Adequate Intake (AI) of Vitamin B5 today!
This article is for information purposes only. Always consult your treating physician prior to starting any new diet or supplement.
Wondering what your vitamin levels are? Check out Rootine.
Overview of water-soluble vitamins. Pazirandeh et al. Uptodate.com. Accessed 2020
Pantothenic Acid Fact Sheet for Health Professionals. Accessed 2020. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/PantothenicAcid-HealthProfessional/
Institute of Functional Medicine Fact Sheet. Micronutrients:Vitamins. Accessed 2020
Harvard School of Public Health. Pantothenic Acid-Vitamin B5. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/pantothenic-acid-vitamin-b5/. Accessed 2020.