Every time I see baked beans I think of my Grammy. We had such a special relationship. It was a well-known fact in our family that I could do no wrong in her eyes and she did not hide her favoritism well! She had a laugh that was contagious, a fierce opinion about most things and she could make a mean pot of beans. I was inspired recently to try to create a healthier version of these beans and last night was a success! I gage the success on the fact that I caught my husband eating half of the dish straight out of the pot before dinner and my son saying “WHOA, it’s like the real thing” after his first bite. I think Grammy would be proud.
Beans are a great source of protein, folate, fiber, complex carbohydrates and antioxidants.
Beans also have been attributed to numerous health benefits such as:
- Improved heart health
- Decreased risk of cancer
- Improved blood sugar control
- Improved gut health
For this recipe I used a bean pot. If you do not have a bean pot you can substitute in a Dutch Oven.

- 1 lb Northern Beans
- 2 onions- diced
- 1 lb bacon- cut into small chunks (leave out for vegetarian option)
- 24 oz tomato puree
- ¼ cup honey
- ¼ cup maple syrup
- 2 Tablespoon Dijon Mustard
- 1.5 cup water
Soak the beans:
- Rinse beans
- Place beans in large bowl and cover with water
- Let soak overnight
Preparing Beans after Soaking
- Strain water from soaked beans and rinse
- Preheat oven to 375F Bake
- Add all ingredients to pot and stir well
- Cover pot
- Bake in oven for 3-4 hours stirring every hour
- Once beans thicken and most of the liquid has evaporated, uncover and cook for an additional 20-30 minutes
Thanks very interesting blog!