What exactly is Yoga? Yoga is defined as the combination of poses and postures, breathing techniques and meditation thought to promote both physical and emotional well-being.
Research suggests that yoga helps to improve strength, flexibility, balance, mobility and overall quality of life. The studies that have been done so far are promising in regards to yoga’s effect on stress and anxiety. Other key improvements are improvements in cognitive function and pain control. Yoga is now a non-pharmacologic treatment for low back pain. Studies show a varying benefit in patients the rheumatic disease. Other pain conditions showing promising improvements through yoga practice are migraines, fibromyalgia and carpal tunnel syndrome, although more research on these conditions is needed at this time. Yoga has also been found to decrease stress, improve sleep and even help with smoking cessation!
My relationship with yoga began a little over two years ago. My health had reverted to a point where my joints hurt more, my back hurt more, my intestinal system was a disaster, and I was stressed, anxious and overwhelmed. Being the lover of new knowledge and research, I began looking for something that might help all of these issues. I went to the medical journals and noted a recurring theme- Yoga and Meditation. For some reason, I had always dismissed yoga in the past, but now I was ready to give it a shot. I reached out to a longtime friend who is a yoga instructor asking for advice on where to start. She recommended a YouTube Channel- “Yoga with Tim” – and my journey began. After about a month I was hooked! Even more shockingly, I got my husband to start. We now each start our day with yoga, which we refer to as “Tim Time” in our house!! Even our son knows that the day doesn’t start without our “Tim Time.”
After practicing regularly, I noticed multiple positive changes. I was mentally and physically stronger. I had a calmness developing. I now had the ability to just take a breath and realize whatever was bothering me, stressing me, making me anxious was all going to work out. My joints and back hurt less and my intestinal symptoms improved. Along with these improvements I noticed I was in the best physical shape I had ever been. For years I had been a gym rat, believing that lifting weights was the key to reaching my physical fitness goals. Although weight lifting is great exercise and works well for many, it wasn’t serving me.
This personal change motivated me to want to learn more. While in Hawaii one summer, I met another mom who had just completed her yoga certification. She motivated me to make the leap and I became certified in Yoga and Meditation, with the goal of using this knowledge to better help others.
One should always consult their physician prior to starting yoga or any other new exercise routine. There are risks of injuries and few conditions where yoga should not be practiced. But, once you verify and decide that yoga is for you, come join me!
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